Cathy's Picture
Cathy Wilson
Director/Arizona Branch of Chosen People

On the Staff of:
Chosen People Ministries (Click on image to visit)

Cathy Wilson was born in New York City into a Gentile home. Having lived a "religious" life for 17 years, Cathy came to know the Lord during her senior year in high school. Within less than a month, she applied to Northeastern Bible College in Essex Fells, New Jersey. She graduated in 1974 with a B.A. in Biblical Literature.

Cathy and her husband, Bob, are based in Arizona, where she is working to increase the already active Jewish ministry team which she leads at Scottsdale Bible Church. The team's goal is twofold: education of the church concerning the Jewish Roots of Christianity and outreach into the heavily populated Jewish community.

One of Cathy's primary areas of ministry is drama. She regularly portrays Jewish characters, either from New York City or from Russia. Over the years, Cathy has branched out, using her gifts to write and perform comedic and dramatic sketches throughout the Phoenix metropolitan area.

"I am grateful that God is using this Gentile from the Bronx to share the Jewish Messiah with His people," Cathy says. "After all, isn't that what He has told us to do?" (Romans 11:11)

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.ואהבתּ, את יהוה אלהיך, בּכל-לבבך, ובכל-נפשׁך, ובכל-מאדך